Monday, November 9, 2009

Austin Film Festival

Austin Film Festival Report: Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air screened on the festival’s closing night, and was met with a warm reception. Reitman was even in attendance, and took time for a lengthy Q&A afterwards. The film, which stars a perfectly-casted George Clooney, tells the story of man that lives to travel and disconnect himself from any commitment that could potentially weigh him down; he even hosts seminars that preach this very lifestyle. With the hire of a young female co-worker to his company, played by Anna Kendrick in what is sure to be a breakthrough performance, Clooney’s character must show her the ropes, and in the process, his outlook on life manages to change. The film plays with the narrative compactness of Reitman’s previous films, Thank You for Smoking and Juno, but seems to explore a new level of maturity, in his craft and thematically. The rich blend of comedy and drama, as well as the many all-star performances, which include Jason Bateman, Vera Farmiga, Danny McBride, and Melanie Lynskey, make it a very rewarding film, and solidifies Reitman as a director you can count on. Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire (which has the longest subtitle ever) also made a big Austin debut at the festival. It tells the story of an, obese teenage black girl growing up with her abusive mother and dealing with her second pregnancy, both her own father is responsible for. It’s a dark, depressing tale that is supported by its strong performances and relentless, yet realistic depictions of inner-city struggle. It quite possibly could have sunk to the quality of a Lifetime-movie, but its director Lee Daniels makes it blossom to what’s being called “the Slumdog Millionaire of 2009.”

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