Tuesday, November 3, 2009

he said, she said

For starters, Mariah Carey tripped while making her entrance on the Jay Leno show, and tried to save face by flirting with him and making him blush!

Another reality show is in the mix: this time Kirstie Alley. What about you ask? Her on again off again weight battles. The show will will be aired on A & E next year, but currently is an untitled series.

Sean Penn's 16 year old son was arrested last week in Los Angeles in his high school, but no reports of why he was arrested will be released since he is underage.

Ugly Betty is getting ugly ratings. Things aren't looking good for the once-loved ABC show! The show hit an all time low on Friday with only 4.5 million viewers.

The former American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert released a video of 30 seconds snippets from each song on his debut album.

And to end today's gossip, I leave you with a quote from Kate Hudson, and her outlook on men. "I sometimes feel like when you're talking to boys, they just hear certain keywords," she tells Elle UK. "But if you had a thought bubble above their head, they would be thinking about game scores, masturbation and food."

Well, that about sums it up. All for now.

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